Friday 3 April 2015

My thoughts... Job specialisations, key search terms, freelance ideas

Based on my assessed skills and some of my generic job searches I don't really plan to limit myself too much I think that because I have no real world design experience I am going to have to be pretty open. I am going to research all design jobs with the following buzzwords: Design, Digital Designer, Illustration/Illustrator, Animation/Animator, Print Designer, Art-worker and Graphic designer, artist.  The other key words I intend to look out for are: Assistant, Junior, Entry Level, Portfolio Base, Commission in locations in the South East - predominately London, Brighton and Lewes/Eastbourne area.

I am planning to look out for jobs that provide illustration opportunities since it is where my main interest lies and is primarily where my talent lies. I am also going look into book illustration jobs since I think that this area would be my ultimate job. I have to say I am really inspired by freelance artists Stephanie Cole and Lizzy Stewart who work on commission and I love both of their works. Designing for print pieces - cards, badges and bags are all incredibly appealing options. Having said this I don't know if going freelance straight away with no business or design experience is a good idea- ideally I would like to work within the industry for a bit to develop an understanding before I even think about going freelance. 

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