Monday 6 April 2015

Existing Portfolio Research Inspiration... Sonia Poli

I was researching various portfolio sites in order to see how I could edit and possibly remake mine- I stumbled across Sonia Poli's website which I thought was particularly unique.  I love the black and white elements which had this lovely quirkiness to the photographical backgrounds.  Essentially her website is a simple premise (although I'm pretty sure you would have to know code to get to work) you land on the base image which is a logo- a few bits of illustrative artwork and her twitter, linked in, Behance and Facebook links. You navigate upwards to an about section and then up again to a contact section all the while various picture frames display pieces of her work. When you click on the art it expands in a light box so the work is enlarged and visible. I think its a really well made and fun website and its defiantly got the nice thematic link of a really long wall with photo frames on - its a more visually intriguing portfolio site than most.  Having said this I'm pretty sure this type of site is well outside of my website skill set and though I love it and it suits her work to the ground (in a sense the website is a work of art) I'm thinking of utilising a simpler framework for mine since a lot of my portfolio work contrasts in colour and style it cant really be linked in a theme in the same way. Nevertheless I think its visually very intriguing and if I had the code knowledge I would happily create something like this (perhaps when I have more work and a constant visual style).

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