Tuesday 7 April 2015

Current Portfolio Site...

My Current Portfolio Site

The Changes I Want To Make If I Continue Using This One 

So this is my current portfolio site, and though its perfectly serviceable I am not sure If I am going to continue using this one (I am going to try out some other platforms and the see if I can link this to those so it comes across as more of an additional blog much like Briony- May Smith has done). If I opt to continue using it (If I am not happy with my portfolio experiments) then it does need some adjustments. 

Number 1- Attempting to make all the print stuff the same size (the video sizes cant be adjusted so they have to remain as the are). I think making it look uniform in this way will help to make it look more professional and will keep everything organised.

Number 2- Getting rid of the goggles that appear in the middle of the image that allow for the zoom and making so that clicking on the image will enlarge it instead. I'd also like to set sizes on the enlarged image so it doesn't then look pixelated because the image is being stretched.

Number 3- Links to social media to better promote myself

Number 4 - Possibility of a sketchbook section - to show more of my process and my physical drawing skills. 

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