Wednesday 8 April 2015

Illustrator and Designer End of Year Show Invites

I wanted to include individual designers that could also be invited to the end of year show as well as companies- and I had two local designers in mind because they helped me greatly with my dissertation. 

Jim Howell

Jim Howell is a motion and graphic designer who used to teach us on the course, he has made some really good work, worked with a load of companies and he is someone that knows us and would probably be interested in coming. 
Reasons for Invite
He is known to us, he is local, he has made a great deal of diverse work and has many contacts within the industry. He is also currently a freelancer- and it would be good for some of us to learn more about the freelance avenue.
Lizzy Stewart

Lizzy stewart is an illustrator and artist whose work I completely adore, she helped me a great deal with my dissertation and again has experience as a freelance/client based designer.

Reasons for Invite
I love her work, she is semi localish (London based), she helped me with my dissertation so she may be interested in coming and she has experience as a collaborative/client based artist. 

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