Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Puppets Printed and Ready to go!

It took me a whole day to cut them out after printing but I am very pleased with the end results, I initially experimented by putting a tester character (the fox) together with split pins but I thought it looked too clunky and it didn't lie completely flat (although you can't tell this in the photograph so its possible that it solved itself). So instead I opted to use blue tack which actually helped to keep all the pieces nice and tight so they moved better. Although the lighting here is yellow since I used overhead lighting this is easily rectified by the use of soft boxes. I also intend to place the characters on the blue background depicted in the photographs so I can then put them into after effects after colour keying out the backdrop. 
Split Pin Test

 I think out of all of my characters the moose is probably my favourite one once it has been put together I am proud of the legs which were an initial concern of mine - and I am concerned with how they are going to move since there are four of them to worry about but they all look to be in proportion and then all work pretty well as one unit.

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