Wednesday 6 May 2015

Song Lyrics - Visual Ideas For Backgrounds

I wanted to link the song to my visual so I scoured the lyrics for ideas for backgrounds - I wanted to keep it small so I have decided upon 4 backgrounds. The first a grassy, woodland background which would mirror the wild woods mentioned in the song. The second a mountain side - again this means that I can introduce the mountain mentioned in the lyrics and introduce some contrasting scenery- greys, silvers and whites. The third would be a cave since I have got the bats to introduce and I feel like it would cement the journey theme which the song revolves around. The forth a very basic nights sky which would provide a nice ending and establish a sense of time. The moon and stars are mentioned throughout so it also links those in as well. I intend to make the backgrounds using papers - and the occasional hand drawn element since the backgrounds themselves are bigger than my printer so I can't print big objects. I also feel that using different papers would help to add in some different textural elements as well.

Song Lyrics
Love is a rose,
Like a rose it must die
Everybody knows
We wither on the thorn and hold on too tight

Still we hold on
Still we hold on

Love is the hour
That soars along when we hold back the night
The tide is slowly creeping forward
We ignore it cause we're lost

cause we're lost
cause we're lost

In the lightning over the river
blood sweat and tears will fall
and your hearts unchained from the stars
in the old time

down from the mountains the wild wood call
down from the mountains the wild wood call

Love is the dawn
that comes to wake us like a thief
these stolen kisses in the moonlight
were never yours to keep

well there not yours
well there not

Our love is the stars
just the stars burning holes in the sky
pretty little fires lost in your eyes
telling faraway lies

Something far away
something far away

In the lightning over the river
blood sweat and tears will fall
and your hearts unchained from the stars
in the old time

down from the mountains the wild wood call
down from the mountains the wild wood call
down from the mountains the wild wood call
down from the mountains the wild wood call

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