Sunday 3 May 2015

Drawing - Girl Face

I opted to take the girl into my digital medium as soon as possible - I was conscious of time and wanted to get cracking because of that, but I also felt that because I had generated a fully rendered and pretty accurate sketch that taking it into illustrator would be the easier and most logical course of action. I did adapt my drawing as I went along so the face is a little rounder and he lips are a bit more smiley in comparison to the original. I carefully considered colour as I drew which was the easiest way of determining tones and though I didn't really intend to use green eyes this colour choice dictated the red hair since he contrast between red and green was too bold to pass up. As I have opted to include green elements I also intend to blue screen my characters rather than green screening them which means I have to avoid using too much blue (to make it easier on myself so I don't have to employ any masks). I have screen recorded the drawing of the face which took about 4 hours (since this is my only human character in my animation I wanted it to look well drawn and blended which is why it took so long- skin colours are always a bit tricky to blend together so once I had the base it moved along at a faster pace).

Because I need the character to move the limbs had to be segmented hence the outlined limbs. Overall I am really happy with how it looks and I think that visually it has given me a style to continue to stick to when drawing out my other elements. Spirals seem to be a bit of theme for me so I intend to ensure that this shape is included in the others animals.

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