Thursday 14 May 2015

George's 1-1

I went in for my 1-1 with George on thursday the 14th of May and he was really happy with my progress- he felt that the animals were well designed and was impressed with everything I showed him. I opted to bring my puppet characters so that he could get an idea as to shape and texture and what my final animation style was going to consist off. I also managed to photograph 3 of my main backgrounds so I could also display what the locations are going to look like. I also showed him some of my keying experiments so he could get an ideas as to how the stop motion technique was working. All in all he was happy with what I had produced and felt it unnecessary to come in again - I was instructed to send a weekly email updating him on my progress.

At this point in the project I need to photograph one more background and then I am set to begin putting my stop motion elements into After Effects.

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