Monday 10 November 2014

WooCommerce Plugin

Building my shop was one of the elements I was most worried about, after googling I found that there were several plugins that I could use- but many were not fully compatible to my chosen theme and complicated to use. After a brief discussion with Alessandro (one of my classmates who is a web genius) and another google I found that the WooCommerce plugin was one of the most popular, it had good reviews, many downloads and was completely free. I found that the plugin was actually incredibly simple to navigate it organised everything into clear editable categories within its settings and it was malleable enough for me to style it to match my theme.

Plugin Settings

I set my shop to accept PayPal as the only method of payment (a requirement of the brief), altered the currency and basic colour scheme. I also opted to set my postage cost - I chose a ridiculous number just incase someone accidentally tried to buy anything (obviously it would be highly unlikely).

Adding A Product

Adding a product was again very simple, after clicking the add product button within the WooCommerce settings I was taken to the page below:

I set the price, added a description and placed an image into the product image section- I found that I could even set sale prices to appear at any given time if I wanted to!
Product List
I made my own products to go into my shop - basic merchandise that you would expect to find at a festival (it also helped to further brand my site) and opted to display 5 different products listed below:

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