Wednesday 26 November 2014

Final Thoughts

Home Page                                                                        About/News Pages

                         Line-up/Schedule/Tickets Pages            
                                              Gallery/Login/Contact/Register/Shop Pages


I am fairly happy with my finished Wordpress site (though I have had my issues with various technical aspects) I think I have done pretty well considering - the web and Wordpress are not my forte. I did end up buying a theme in the end because I got frustrated with the free themes limitations but I have designed every one of my pages using the Themify builder (which despite its faults did help massively with the build). I think I managed my time well - I had a fair amount of breathing room near the end of the project and had enough time to sort out my user testing and SEO implementation. Overall I feel  that I have made a well designed event site that is appropriate for my target audience and I believe that I have fulfilled the brief. I do have a better understanding of Wordpress and the various plugins that can be used (all of the plugins I used were free) but I am very much happy that it is finished.

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