Friday 7 November 2014

Gallery Page

As an image based page the gallery page was the easiest to design and layout. I actually decided to place a large video as the main focal point - ideally this video would be a video depicting various events of my festival but because my festival isn't real I opted instead to use a live Glastonbury one. I liked the idea of giving people a taster of what could be expected at my festival - something visual that would entice my target audience- which I felt was better achieved through motion rather than just a static image. 

Following my video I have employed a generic 4 column image gallery layout - something that was a common element seen throughout my research. My various artists, stages and general location images would ideally help to further cement the overall festival atmosphere to my target audience.

I kept my gallery at 12 photographs but of course this could be expanded upon. I ended the page with a small video gallery - since I think it would help to further promote the show and ensure better SEO (with the additional external links).

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