Friday 14 November 2014

Making Sure I have Covered the Brief

Before thinking about user testing I want to check that I have fulfilled everything in the brief.

On My Site
I have a home page

An About page- with detailed information

A booking system calendar- I was also told by Sue that my booking system calendar would also count as my calendar with categories- I had a bit of an experiment with various calendars and none of them would allow me to introduce categories so I'm thankful that my booking system fulfils both.

A news area

Detailed Information about each event- (I have been pretty thorough through my sites build so I am hoping that everything that can be there is)

Contact Info- I have my contact form 7, a contact section along with a get involved section

A map- I have a fully intractable google map on my about page

An events calendar with categories- my booking system calendar counts as this

A shop selling merchandise using Paypal- both my booking system and my shop use paypal so that has been covered

A search bar- although I'm not completely happy with its position

A gallery page

A login and register option

A blog

Links to social media- including a live Facebook feed on my social page

An analytics system (my Jetpack plugin gives me my analytics system- and various page stats)

Overall I am happy that I have included all the aspects stipulated in the brief and can now think about user testing.

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