Friday 20 February 2015

All Together

I very carefully resized my images and placed them onto an A1 sized poster (in Photoshop) I drew out each page in A1 because at the beginning I wasn't sure what was going to be better and felt that to be on the safe side bigger would be better.I am really happy with them - I did briefly consider having the strip read downwards but after asking the opinions of some peers I decided against doing it this way because people read from left to right naturally. From a practical perspective it did mean that the two vibrant orange pages were diagonally opposite one another which generated a nice sense of symmetry to the design. I made sure that everything was slightly off edge wise so that it was a lot softer and less contained which I have also tried to mirror in the general layout (the diagonally align but as a whole unit the central cross is slightly off which again helps my design to break the formulaic layout).

To consider: I need to consider where to get it printed and what paper I get it printed on so it matches what I have designed on screen.

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