Thursday 19 February 2015

Additional Wetransfer Theoretical Links...

Before continuing with my design I felt it prudent to include some of Wetransfers thoughts on what they like to see within their own advertisements (though it is a little different for their D&AD brief it still feels relevant). Their personal advertisement Pdf is very clear on advertisements being big and beautiful. In their own words "pictures say more than words" (wetransfermediakit, 2015, p.9).
They go on to clarify why these types of advertisements are better because in their words "the advertiser can choose what he wants, clicks branding or both"(wetransfermediakit, 2015, p.11).
 The pdf also displays the various types of advertisements that they include within their site - static, video, dynamic and interactive - all elements referenced within the D&AD brief. Although they include video and dynamic elements they also state within their advertisement pack that "static advertising is more effective than flash" in this instance I am really glad that I opted to create a strong print piece that can be converted to motion if need be because my work is a more effective as a static element which is apparently more desired by Wetransfer.
Source:  Wetransfermediakit. 1st ed. 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.

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