Tuesday 23 December 2014

10 Years Time- Ideas

After looking into many past D&AD entries I have tended to notice that concept was a key element throughout. However I felt that many of the entries lacked finesse which made the final products themselves obscure and visually dull. I also feel that my chosen brief has already given us a concept: Ten Years Time.  The brief is personal to us and after looking into WeTransfer they are aiming this at designers because they love to display good design. Their product is very much aimed at designers and I have noticed throughout that they seem to be drawn to the hand drawn works. They even highlight analogue and digital techniques within their brief. I have narrowed my ideas and key thoughts into this list below:

In 10 Years Time I could be: A rockstar, a superhero, the queen... or the next disney princess...

In 10 Years Time I could grow: Wings- and learn how to fly, a tail - and swim with some sharks

In 10 Years Time I will have finally: Received my Hogwarts letter, hatched a dragon and saved the world

In 10 Years Time I will be: Everything I have seen
                                            Heard (10 Years In Music?)

Time/ Career/Environment/Achievement/ Anything/ Everything/Hopes/Wishes
Digital/Handmade/Hand-drawn/Book/ Poster/ Stamps/ Stop Motion
Fun/ Quirky/ Creative/ Optimistic
Message/Moral: Time is short- do what you want- be who you want? DO ANYTHING

Target Audience: Me- Young students - Designers/Illustrators/Creators

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