Wednesday 18 March 2015

Name Ideas

Although we didn't necessarily need a name slogan or theme we felt that we should come up with one for the sake of unifying our branding. Once again we opted to go with something that didn't relate to digital design at all. We wanted a one word catchy name. Initially we couldn't think of much but after some pondering and a conversation with my mum I came up with the name stuffed.

Stuffed - seemed appropriate in regards to both the idea and to us as individuals, I liked the idea that the jars were stuffed full of creativity and fun, that we as designers are stuffed full of talent and that because are course is coming to an end we are stuffed because we now have to be adults and get real life jobs.

I pitched the name to the other two and they also seemed to enjoy it! After this I then came up with some slogan variations:

Stuffed: Full of Stars

Stuffed: Jars full of stars

Although Jake was happy with it Dan didn't think we needed a slogan- since I disagree and think this adds some fun and links the idea together with us- we are design stars after all- I intend to convince him otherwise!

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