Thursday 15 January 2015


I was very much inspired by this image in particular by Tuesday Mourning (I haven't been able to find out her actual name) - I love the wide arch to the nose, the slightly too far apart eyes and how there is a melancholy gothic sadness to the overall styling which has been integrated through the victorian esc patterned wallpaper. The shading of the face is very soft - its been very carefully blended so the shades have been smoothly applied - this is carefully contrasted through the delicate lines of shading around the eyes. 
I opted to make a few paper sketches before beginning in order to really cement the style in my mind. Keeping everything slightly disproportionate helped- so my arms are a little longer - the feet a little larger- helped me to clarify the key elements. The hair was the hardest part because my own artistic instinct wanted me to generate something that utilised a lot of line- something I will probably rectify when I take these sketches into the digital medium.

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