Thursday, 19 February 2015

Type Choices... Wording the message

Before deciding on a font I first decided on my message:

I began with the phrase It's not who I'll be I'ts how I'll get there -but I felt like there were issues with this phrasing.

Instead after a little playing around I ended up with the phrase
Who I'll be depends on how I get there- which better conveyed that I will be shaped by the journey that I take

Because I would have a small element of type to my design choosing a font was still a little bit relevant. I automatically chose my thought cloud type- it is one that I have used previously the hello goodbye font found on dafont- and was chosen because it was legible from any direction and very hand-drawn. For my main message I would like something a little more elegant and fairytale ending esc- since my whole journey has a story to it I would like to further emphasise this.

I briefly contemplated using a variation of my original font just because I think it really matches stylistically but I felt like it wasn't quiet enough.

Instead I opted towards the sweet pea font depicted below which had better movement and flow. It also had a very fairytale esc style and had swirly elements that I feel match the swirls I've put in my design.

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