Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Bird

I drew out my bird in a variety of positions, eyes close, eyes open, from above eyes open and eyes closed. Made sure that I put all my various elements on separate layers so they could easily be moved into various positions which is dependent on my various scenes. In this instance I only needed two main positions from the side and from above (the wings I moved into their respective positions) and the eyes I simply added in using illustrator. The colours used in my bird were dictated by my various scenes, in theory the vibrant oranges would stand out against my blue backgrounds, I included a green feather to provide contrast and help to separate the two wings from one another.
 I ended up making a scatter brush to generate the different feathers (I drew it first using a pencil brush to further emphasise its hand-drawn nature and origins) and carefully positioned them on its body to generate detail. Altering the various opacities of my brushes helped to create a layered sense of shade.

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