Friday, 20 February 2015

Crit Feeback...

This is what I presented at crit I only managed to create three pages in time for crit (but I am confident to that I will be able to finish in time) I personally am very happy with what I have so far and I received entirely positive feedback at crit. They didn't really have a lot of changes or anything else to add for me. Jake took my feedback which I shall list below and try to explain.

I asked if words were needed to clarify the story- the general response was that as long as I have my end message which will be something along the lines of it doesn't matter who i'll be it's how i'll get there (although the wording needs work) then other words aren't needed.

How and what I get it printed as- was another concern raised- It was generally agreed that I could combine by pages into a 4 page a3 size book (which to me doesn't feel like it's enough to be a book) or I could place the 4 pages onto one big A1 poster- something I prefer since I think it will look better when you can see the destination and the message which is after all the main point.

This was an issue for me because I got so very into my print piece originally I was intending to generate small motion stings - but Sue actually pointed out that I could submit a digital version as a still jpeg. So my print piece is going to be my A1 poster with all my pages on and my digital piece is probably going to be a landscape still of my final scene (with my message- as a jpeg).

So essentially using still images that I already have - because I have put a lot of work and time into them it seems pointless not to fully show them off and to have to waste time making a digital version that wouldn't be a cohesive element to my print piece.

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