Monday, 6 April 2015

Thoughts On Jobs So Far... Weaknesses and Strengths

So far throughout my job hunting I have found some various jobs that definitely appeal. Many of the jobs that I have pointed out have been suitable in terms of skill set but not in terms of experience, although most have been subject to my portfolio. I'm going to list my strengths and weaknesses below based on the job requirements I have seen so far- this way I can get an idea of what I can work on improving.


Adobe Software- I have a pretty good knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator and a basic knowledge of Indesign and After Effects which have been the four softwares listed so far. (MY AFTER EFFECTS KNOWLEDGE WILL BE EXPANDED UPON THROUGH THE INDEPENDENT PROJECT)

Highly Creative- I am a creative visual thinker

Ability To Adapt And Adhere To A Brief- Something I do on a regular basis for uni and have done for other issued briefs including D&AD and YCN.

Passionate/Highly Motivated/Well Organised- Again qualities that I feel that I possess - the well organised aspect is something I regularly have to ensure whilst at uni.

Ability To Communicate With Other Designers- Our last project required us to work as a team, something we all managed well, as well as this when we had to work with Latest TV we also had to communicate with the client. In my own work experience I was in charge of managing blogs and emails for Comic Domain so I have further experience in terms of communication.


Design Related Experience-I do not have any real design experience- not in terms of a design company so this is not a point in my favour. Having said this I worked for Comic Domain for a year organising their emails (using Mail Chimp) and blogs (using Wordpress) so in this regard I have a bit more design related (ish) experience than my other part time job affords me. OUT OF MY HANDS

I Haven't Graduated Yet- I am currently a bit undesirable because although I hope to graduate in a few months I have yet to actually graduate so I am currently in that in-between state.  NEARLY THERE

Portfolio Site- I do have a portfolio site but its not as up to date as it could be and there are a few tweaks that I feel will make it stronger- which is something I plan to do so I can promote myself for jobs and for the end of year show. WILL WORK ON

Social Media- After looking into some of my favourite designers I have realised how influential twitter and social medias can be - not only to look at design companies but also to promote and market myself. I intend to start using twitter to promote myself and then to promote the end of year show.  WILL WORK ON

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