Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Making A New Portfolio Site

After researching portfolio sites and failing to figure out how to make the alterations that I want to on my Tumblr I turned to using the Wix free website builder to make mine. Initially I intended to use a Wordpress platform since we did have to make a whole project using it but I found it to be really really complicated. So instead I opted to use Wix which in comparison was a really easy method to create a site and suited my lack of coding skills completely. It was a very easy visual tool, simple drag and drop elements that could be adjusted. No coding required. After a bit of clicking and testing I found that I could add galleries, slideshows and links to project pages which could each be individually designed. The only downside of not upgrading was the url which included the name Wix (don't think this was too much of an issue) and the small Wix banner at the bottom of the screen (again I have no issue with this since it doesn't interfere with the sites aesthetics and is in fact a small element). 

Although I was going to try and utilise a side navigation element a theme I had noticed throughout many of the portfolios researched, I quickly discovered that I did not have enough work to divide my designs in this way. So I opted to go back to the familiar - same size photographs that would link to their project page with a top heavy navigation and a clear heading (my name) as a header image and link back to the home page.
I integrated a slide show on one of my project pages which allowed me to display all the work within that project.

This is the image editor available for use, images can be edited, cropped, framed and adjusted in order to fit onto the site.

The mobile version
The mobile site had its own editor so elements could be adjusted for the mobile platform without editing the actual desktop site. It was really handy and allowed me to get rid of and condense certain elements in order to optimise the site for mobile viewing.

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