Monday, 24 November 2014

The Crit

After presenting my site for crit I received the following feedback:

Maybe think about the shade of blue used throughout and darken it - (this wasn't an issue throughout my user testing and I think is more to do with personal preference so I don't plan on changing it- not least because it's part of my site branding and none of my user testers felt it was hard to read)- justified

Fix the gaps between the segments - I explained that it was to do with the Themify builder and that George had already attempted to rectify this through the code and it wouldn't take on any of the code he inputted- justified

Alter my gallery tile layout - try to find a widget that will allow a tile layout in my gallery photographs - I fully intend to try and find the right widget to accomplish this.

Think about moving my live social feed- I have given it its own page because I don't use any sidebars throughout - it was suggested that I could include it on my homepage (provided I can make it appear horizontally on the page)- again I fully agree with this point so I intend to try and rectify this.

Move the search bar- I explained that when I tried to move it it generated massive gaps- or hid beneath my navigation - George also tried to rectify this but much like with the segment gaps nothing in the code would take- I also explained that whilst my user testers did look for it in that corner and it was by no means ideal they did find and use the search.

Change the header image- my logo image is evident on each of the pages so you have to scroll down it in order to find the relevant information - it was suggested that I place the navigation at the top of the page and then place the logo image on the page and then introduce a smaller logo on the other pages- however I think that this is a bit too radical, it would involve me having to change every page- and move my navigation (something that I planned to place at the bottom of my page and the whole reason I chose the parallax theme). I intend to have a play to see if I can make the header logo smaller on the other pages- but the fix suggested isn't something I think is reasonable to accomplish in the remaining time given. Again it wasn't an issue in my user testing - and from a practical perspective it does mean that my festivals name, date and location are a constant.

Overall I am fairly happy with my feedback - the Wordpress developer liked my illustrations and the overall styling of the site- he also seemed to like the information provided and had no issues with the layout. It would have been good to receive some feedback from my classmates and have a little more time to go through some more of my site aspects but due to the time constraints of the crit this wasnt possible.

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