Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Animation Set Up

Although I haven't finalised a complete storyboard yet- I wanted to set up and explore how it was all going to work - I also have a vague idea as to how its going to work and I think it was more prudent for me to figure out how and what I could achieve before knuckling down on the final thing. I spent my morning setting up a mini studio using soft boxes, a cable release, a tripod and my blue screen background. Initially I thought I would be able to get away with only using one soft box but because I knew that having complete control over my light was imperative and as such using only the lights I could control was necessary I found that there was still a difference on the paper without both lights, past photographical experience tells me that its easier to darken shots than to lighten them so I opted to use two. After much cursing I managed to find the optimum tripod angle and which was a delicate balance since a lot of the time the tripod ended up being in the shot it was slanted in such an angle. The cable release was really handy because it meant that I didn't have to touch the camera in between shots.

I also opted to set my white balance to shade which added a little bit of warmth to the tones evident within the images - when it was set to auto it looked a bit dark. So far an Iso of 400 and a shutter speed of 80 seem to be working pretty well light wise - although I plan to investigate a lower Iso - since I already have textural card a larger grain isn't necessary.

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