Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Motion Inspiration Continued

The PayPal Adverts below are a great mixture of both 3d and 2d - the hand drawn black and white style (although I think the style is probably too childlike for what I would like to create) I love the range of motion and how everything links to the dialogue. The movements are relatively simple- flat objects and careful sound effects have been linked well together to create a cohesive animation. The hand drawn elements are bold and there is a great sense of contrast introduced through the use of black and white. I love the ninjas which are the only objects which utilise a more complex movement- I think that they have been drawn in those various positions and cut together (at least for the forward spin flip) and it's something I should consider when animating my own design- since I want it to move relatively smoothly and have a stop motion effect.

The christmas tree is probably my favourite element within the advert below it's simple and it pops into the world smoothly. The snowflakes remind me style wise of the Charlie and Lola cartoon (again a simple movement easily achieved in after effects). Colour is added into the various logos but again it is minimal. The PayPal adverts are fun, quirky and hand-drawn - elements that I want to achieve in my own design.

This advert combines paper and 3d together to create this animation and I love how the vibrant colours evident within the various scenes (in contrast to the black and white PayPal adverts) seem to define each location. Each location seems to have a specific colour palette: dark reds for the china section, pinks and yellows for the opening and blues for the morning. I love the florence puppet at the beginning and the hair movement which grows outwards in patterned paper which effectively breaks up the block colour. I think various cameras have been used to generate smooth movement between the segments- and again the combination of 3d and 2d really brings the paper sculptures to life. The use of drop shadows separates the flat elements which gives everything an intriguing physicality.

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