Friday, 26 September 2014

Specified Music Festival Event Research

Music Events

After some initial research I have decided that i'm going to focus on some kind of music festival as my event mostly because I am more inspired to design for it and because I feel that theres more to work with. Designing for a specific tent/stage for Glastonbury is something that I am considering but before deciding fully I wanted to look at other existing music events and their respective websites.

I looked into the Reading site (because its popular and is one that I know of) and whilst its perfectly serviceable I think the overall site is very blocky and square and there are a few random square spaces that don't work well visually. Rather than having a logo banner at the top, like many of the sites I have already researched, the logo remains on the left hand side on every page. The navigation appears on the side and whilst its is easy to use, the pages themselves seem to be lacking in much content- something that could be rectified by condensing the pages together.  Looking at the site I would say that its primarily aimed at 20-30 year old males- which is perhaps why its so blocky (the logo matches this stylistically) although I guess the bold shapes and colour scheme also match the rock genre evidenced through the lineup. Despite this the site definitely has potential, currently its very clunky as a site and judging from the lineup it could do with a better rebrand (to something that would help to include a female target audience). 


The T in the Park festival is another popular music festival (although I feel like its aimed at a younger audience) and is similarly clunky. The sites overall navigation runs smoothly (a permanent overhead navigation remains near the top of the page and on each of the pages there is a sub side navigation box) but much like the Reading page I feel like it has a very boxy feel and could do with condensing. As well as this I think it could also benefit from a rebrand (its own logo and site branding are incredibly weak) and I think it would be easier to redesign and rebrand this site because whilst the Reading site has similar issues its branding is a lot stronger than T in the Park's.


The Bestival site is one of the most fun and colourful event websites that I have looked at so far, it even has its own graphical opening page that you have to enter to reach the rest of the site. Its bright, colourful and fun (almost blindingly) and whilst I think that the pages are cluttered I really don't think I could redesign this since it works as a cohesive brand and site.


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